610-861-7580 Jestrohl@aol.com

Your Day

                    Did you ever feel that life is real                              and luck has come your way?                    It’s been so long, but it’s finally come,                              and now it is your day.                     Did you ever ponder...

What You Know Is Right

                    The pain will cease                               and the suffering stop                     When you face the truth                               with all you’ve got.                     The Source will shed                               the...


The mind unfolds             Not an end to a means                          But a means to endlessness. As the body cringes             The soul rejoices                           Free to be its source Grieve not             Neither the past nor the future           ...

The Puffer

                    Our perceived selves are like puffs of smoke                    attempting to capture solid form.                     To substantiate smoke-filled realities                    we fiercely keep on puffing.                     Despite persistent...


Do not avoid desire. See it for what it is. There’s nothing to ever fear again For thoughts created fear. Threats come not from without. It is always me I fear. For mind perceives itself as split. Viewing blame and vengeance real. Learning to believe in attack...

Nothing Needed

                    Nothing is asked of you                     As feelings flow from me.                                        From mysterious origins                     Waves swell through my being.                                         Leading me to wonder    ...