610-861-7580 Jestrohl@aol.com

Giving and Receiving Are One

Miracles Magazine, July-August, 2021, pp.44-46. Giving and receiving are one. There is no receiving without a giver. Also, there is no giving without a receiver. They are one and the same. They are one truth, one reality. Clearly, giving cannot occur unless something...

Love is Relationship

Love is an eternal relationship Forever being shared. Not contained in objects                                                      Nor in bodies that disappear. – Jim Strohl

Do Not Indulge

Do not indulge yourself in changing reality. Allow the mind to accept the truth about reality. Rejoice in the glorious moment of knowing what is. Remembering God’s love is retained eternally in all. –...


“We render ourselves vulnerable by believing we are distinct, separate beings. Our strength is found in knowing our true nature as an undivided, eternal expression of God’s peace and love. When believing ourselves as separate we are literally attacking the...

When Seeking Ends

When the seeking self finds the object of its search it gives up searching and dies. When seeking stops happiness and peace are revealed. Contrary to common belief, happiness and peace are not experienced because the object of our seeking is found. Happiness and peace...