610-861-7580 Jestrohl@aol.com

When Seeking Ends

When the seeking self finds the object of its search it gives up searching and dies. When seeking stops happiness and peace are revealed. Contrary to common belief, happiness and peace are not experienced because the object of our seeking is found. Happiness and peace...

Walking Through the Valley of Death

As we progress further and deeper along our spiritual path it is possible that we will be challenged with even stronger and more compelling situations of fear, pain, doubt, despair, and confusion. This might be viewed as our final “walk through the valley of...

Acceptance Dissolves Illusions

Suffering dissolves when met with acceptance because acceptance reveals that which is true and real. When fully accepting the present moment the mind becomes silent resulting in the disappearance of painful, past memories and anxiety-laden, future imaginings. When...

An Ego Manufactured World

The ego manufactures a new world because it cannot tolerate the Real world. Believing we are a personalized, separate self or ego, we constantly try to change the world to serve us. We attack reality in an effort to form a world to our liking. Our efforts are driven...

The Light Of Love

The Light of Love is always present. Love is not something we create, it is something we remember, uncover, or recognize. Discovering love means returning home to the source of our being, the source of all that exists, the light that dispels darkness. When we turn...

Being and Doing Modes of Functioning

There are two main modes in which the human mind operates. These are the “being” mode and the “doing” mode. Both modes are necessary for effective living. However, most people tend to de-emphasize the being mode while overinvesting in the doing mode. Immense benefits...

Crux of Healing

For a person to be maximally effective at creating what they want and reaching their desired goals it is important that they achieve a state of alignment – a state of nonresistance and harmony between mind, heart, body, and spirit. Healers, mentors, coaches, and...

Pausing and Presence

Intentionally taking time to “pause” is an effective method for interrupting our unconscious attachment to the constant flow of automatic thoughts and allowing greater access to the inner stillness and silence in which, to which, and from which everything appears....